First up, a big HUGE squishy hug to each and every one of you who applied to my Creative Team call!
Adam will be the first two tell you how nervous I was about doing the call and how even up to the moment of posting it, I was convinced no one would apply and I’d have to slink away in a flurry of digiscrap embarrassment, haha. So the fact that so many of you wanted to be part of my little ol’ team seriously means more to me than you know.
I had such a fun time reading through all of your applications this week and getting to know a little bit more about each of you and your motivations for being a part of this amazing hobby of ours. I can’t even tell you the number of times I laughed or giggled or nodded along with you because I totally get where you are coming from. You definitely made my decision tough!
But as we all know, there are only so many slots on a team and ultimately a decision had to be made. So with that I am here to announce the lucky ladies who will be joining my first ever Creative Team. And by lucky, I really mean that I am the lucky one to be able to work with such awesome scrapbookers!
I know these ladies are really excited to get started and I have no doubt they’ll be scrapbooking amazing pages to inspire you! Lots of good things are coming so I hope you’ll all stick around for the fun!
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Yeah!! I’m so excited. What a great group of ladies. Wow.
Great team Lynnette! Can’t wait to see how they inspire with your designs.
I’m so excited to get to know everyone better! The team looks awesome!
OMG I’m still squeeing in glee! Thank you Lynnette and so excited to work you and the rest of those AWESOME ladies! 😀
I’m soo exited! And I can’t wait to get to know everyone a bit more.
I am really excited – congratulations on such a great team!
AWESOME team, Lynette . . . congrats to ALL of you!!