I LOVE lists. For anyone who’s followed my scrapbooking for awhile this probably comes as no surprise considering the number of list-y based projects I’ve done: the Faves, 30 Days of Lists, the 28 at 28 List, Holiday Faves (which was essentially a list in mini book form). Not to mention the number of random one-off list digital scrapbooking layouts I’ve done as well.
But one of my favorite lists of the year is my summer bucket list. Because not only is it a list, but it’s a list full of awesomely fun summertime adventures.
My 2011 Summer Bucket List
Last year’s summer bucket list sadly got a bit thwarted by the insane heat we had here in Texas. I mean, ass much as I love summer, when it’s 100+ degrees for 59 days, even I don’t want to be outside doing anything. So we sadly only checked off a handful of items: Giants baseball game (which was indoors), Schlitterbahn, Barton Springs Pool, summer movies and smores in the backyard.
My 2012 Summer Bucket List
This year I tried to be a bit smarter about my list, making sure there’s a good mix of do-able indoor/outdoor local activities including a few items I still want to do from last year and a few things Adam requested.
So far our weather has been playing much nicer this year (well much nicer for Texas anyway which means 90s instead of 100+, haha) so I’m feeling a bit more optimistic this year. I mean, we’ve checked off a few items already which is progress my friends…
- Swim at a swimming hole
- Make homemade popsicles
- Take a weekend beach trip
- Visit Schlitterbahn & Sea World
- Go tubing down the river
- Have an awesome visit w/Susan
- Make fresh lemonade
- Go on a weekend camping trip
- Watch a movie under the stars
Watch fireworksBuy a new barbeque- Finish building bookshelf
- Visit a new state park
- See a baseball game
- Use our ice cream maker
Go on a road trip- Make sun tea
- Go on a picnic
Still lots of fun to be had and I admit, I’m a bit giddy with excitement. Apparently my love of summer is still strong as ever even though I no longer get three months off to do nothing, haha.
What about you? What’s on your bucket list for this summer?
Psst…looking for some awesome summer kits? Check out 12 Months: June by Penny Springmann and 100 Days of Summer by Meghan Mullens which I used for my layouts.
Looking to scrapbook your own Summer bucket list layout?
Check out my Summer Lovin’: Fun In the Sun Templates or pick up Summer Lovin’: The Complete Collection to get 9 summer-tastic templates for one great price.
At least the summer isn’t *as* hot as it was last year. And we aren’t on fire this year 🙂 Always a good thing. I loved the rain we got the past 2 days but now I fear how gross it’s going to feel when the sun comes back.
So true! Last summer was our first summer here so it was a bit of a shock coming from Colorado where it barely got into the 90s ever, haha.