Hello hello and welcome to Day 1 of the Summer Love Mini Course! Today Team Awesome and I will be sharing our Cover and first two intro pages of our mini albums. But before we get to that I wanted to give you a quick, friendly reminder: new content will be posted on the Nettio Designs blog every Tuesday and Thursday through August 15th. If you want to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the fun, you can sign up for Summer Love Mini Course email updates right here.
Now on to our first set of pages…
Summer Love | Cover & Intro Pages 1-2
Our goal as a team is to each complete 3-4 pages a week, or basically two two-page mini spreads, which means if you play along with us, by August 15th you should have a completed Summer Love mini album. To kick things off today, we’re sharing our inside cover pages as well as pages 1 & 2 of the album which include an intro page and an accent page.
If you haven’t purchased the templates, here’s a little peek at what the Summer Love 6×6 Mini Album templates for these pages look like:
And here’s what Team Awesome and I did with them:
By Lynnette
For my Summer Love mini album I’m planning to use a mix of summer kits because really, how can you choose amongst all the summery goodness? For my first three pages I used a mix of Zoe Pearn’s Hello Summer and Kristin Cronin-Barrow’s Ready for Summer kits which are both available at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
I haven’t completely decided how embellished I want my pages to be but right now I’m liking the mix of some pages being more simple and others more accented. I’m excited to see how it comes together as the summer progresses.
By Brittney
For her intro page, Brittney went graphic by extracting a photo of her son holding an iPad and replacing the iPad with the intro card from the template. How cool is that!
By Jen
Jen is fully embracing hybrid scrapbooking for her album and I have to say, it’s so fun seeing my templates paired up with paper products! I especially love how she used her Silhouette to cut out the “hello summer” text from the templates. If you’re wondering how she did that stay tuned because she’ll be sharing her Silhouette tips and tricks in a future post.
By Jenn
Jenn has a knack for mixing papers and elements and she’s done so beautifully here using Kristin’s Ready for Summer kit. She also adapted her title page to something more her which is always a great way to personalize any template.
By Jennifer
Jennifer is embracing the color for her album by recoloring each title in the templates. While I lot of work I’m sure, it’s such a fun look and I can’t wait to see how her completed album turns out.
By Sara
For her intro pages, Sara embraced blending by blending the text from the templates into her background papers. I especially love the large blending photo she used for her accent page. It’s such a great way to add a bit of texture and dimension to a digital mini album.
By Sherly
Sherly worked her clustering magic on her first three pages to really give them a paper look. I especially love the way she added a tag to hold the album info from the intro page template – such a smart idea!
One of the reasons I purposely kept the design of the Summer Love Mini Album templates clean and simple was exactly for what you see above – so you could really use them to jumpstart your creativity and add your own spin and style to them. I hope these examples from Team Awesome and me give you some ideas for your own album!
How to Share Your Pages with Us
And of course, Team Awesome and I would love to see how YOU are using the Summer Love Mini Album templates! So if you’d like to share your pages using the Summer Love Mini Album templates with us, all you have to do is:
1) Navigate over to the Sweet Shoppe Designs gallery and add your page to my designer (Nettio Designs) gallery when you upload.
2) Then head to this thread in the Long Term projects section of the Sweet Shoppe forum, add your page and check out what everyone else is up to. You can also ask any questions you may have there as well or ask them below in the comments section of this post.
As I’ve said several times before: I am super excited you’ve chosen to join us on this summer-tastic adventure and I can’t WAIT to see how your album turns out!
Coming up next…if you’re haven’t decided what summer kit or kits you’d like to use for your Summer Love mini album, never fear! Team Awesome and I have got you covered because on Thursday, July 4th, we’ll be sharing our favorite summer kits. See you then!
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Previous Summer Love Mini Course posts:
Lynnette, I’m trying to sign up for the SLMC email update but it’s not going through, like refreshing the page, so I’m not sure if it went through..
Also, may I know what font you girls used for page 1 ( BY LYNNETTE)?
Thank you 🙂
The by Lynnette part is Deming font. It can be found here.
Never mind, the subscription did went through though.
I just need help regarding 2 files that aren’t opening. I’m using pse7 and cs3. The files are 01-Intro and 26-Summer Highlights. Whenever I try to edit them they will shut down the program I’m using. Please help..
Hi Cherry! Can you email me at nettiodesigns at gmail dot com with more specific details about the issues you’re having? Those files have all been used in both PSE and PS without issues so I’ll likely need a few more details to help you troubleshoot. I’m happy to help you out. 🙂
Thanks! This was just the motivation I needed to get working on scrapbooking again. I look forward to making this book!
Awesome Lisa! Can’t wait to see what you create!