For the last few years, every summer I’ve made a summer bucket list. Given my love for lists this probably comes as no surprise, haha, but there’s just something so fun about dreaming up summer plans and then crossing them off as you complete them. We haven’t always accomplished everything on our lists, far from it really, but they are definitely fun to look back on every year, especially living the somewhat-nomadic lifestyle we do.
Here’s a peek at what my 2011 Summer Bucket List looked like:
And here’s what my 2012 Summer Bucket List looked like:
Yes, I loved the design so much the first year that I used it again for the second year! If you’re wanting a similar design, you can find a template for it in my Summer Lovin’: Fun in the Sun template set.
Since I loved my previous Summer Bucket List pages so much, I knew when I started designing the Summer Love Mini Album templates for this year that I had to include a Summer Bucket List page. And I knew I wanted something clean & simple that could still be spiffed up with digi goodies if I chose to do so later. Here’s what I came up with for the templates:
And here’s what my completed Summer Bucket List spread (pages 3-4 in my Summer Love mini album) looks like. Because I embellished my bucket list page quite a bit, I decided to keep the opposite page a simple un-embellished photo of Adam and I (taken last summer) for balance:
Here’s a closer look at my Summer Bucket List page. I used Kristin’s AMAZING Ready for Summer kit for this page. The vellum pocket is by Mari. There wasn’t a pocket in her set large enough to fit my journaling card so I Macguyver’ed two together in Photoshop for a custom fit. I also added an additional wood mat behind the journaling card to make my list really pop.
Because I’m planning to print all my pages at once when I finish my Summer Love mini album, I’ll be adding digital checkmarks to the page as we cross things off this summer. The “X” is simply the uppercase X from my custom handwriting font by Darcy. Figured it’d add a nice touch of realism to my otherwise digital page.
Of course Team Awesome had a blast capturing their summer bucket lists too. I have to say, so far my favorite part of this group Summer Love Mini Course is seeing all the different takes on the same pages. It’s so neat to see everyone’s creative ways of using the templates!
By Sara
I love how Sara added a tag and digital stitching to her large photo.
Here’s a bigger peek at her summer bucket list:
By Jen
Jen’s hybrid take on the Summer Love Mini Templates just blows my mind! I love the way she’s embellishing her pages with her paper goodies.
Here’s a bigger peek at her summer bucket list:
By Brittney
Brittney’s photo is so fun and I love the way she adapted the Summer Bucket List journaling card to make room for her longer list.
Here’s a bigger peek at her summer bucket list:
By Jenn
I think I may tag along with Jenn as she completes her summer bucket list, haha. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to go where that photo was taken? Gorgeous! Plus her use of elements here is amazing. I especially love the way she angled the journaling card into the denim pocket.
Here’s a bigger peek at her summer bucket list:
By Sherly
I love Sherly’s sweet photo and her amazing-as-always clustered elements. Plus “rest & relax” sounds like a pretty good bucket list item to me.
Here’s a bigger peek at her summer bucket list:
by Jen H
I’m really loving Jen’s clean and colorful design here. The rainbow text and color scheme just scream summer.
Here’s a bigger peek at her summer bucket list:
I have to say, I am REALLY excited with how everyone’s albums are turning out so far and I’d love to see yours!
Want to share? Simply upload your page using the Summer Love Mini Templates to the Nettio Designs designer gallery at Sweet Shoppe Designs and then link us up in the Summer Love projects thread here.
Coming up next…On Thursday, July 11th we’ll be digging into the meat of our Summer Love Mini Albums by sharing our first Summer Loves #1 & 2. See you then!
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Previous Summer Love Mini Course posts:
View all Summer Love Mini Course posts here.
Wow! These are the prettiest bucket lists I have ever seen!