Well 2014 started off with a bang, if by bang I mean coming home from two weeks away in California to discover my beloved compy would no longer start. Wah wah. All I could get was a grey screen, a familiar Apple chime followed by a spinning wheel of doom before it would shut off.
Thankfully it was nothing a trip to the Genius Bar couldn’t fix, well if you consider a complete wiping of the hard drive and reinstall of the operating system a “fix.” But it means I am now upgraded to the most current Mac OS, Mavericks (hooray, Finder tabs!) and because I had an up-to-date Time Machine backup I thankfully didn’t lose any data.
So let this be your friendly reminder for the start of 2014 to always always always back up your computer. If I hadn’t, I would have lost 9 years of photos along with all my scrapbooking layouts and non-CT products. No fun, right?
This is also why I always advocate for having both a local backup (like on an external hard drive) as well as an online backup (like Backblaze) because even with restoring everything directly off my external drive, it still took six and half hours! to copy everything over again. Pretty sure if I’d had to download all that data from the cloud, I would have been here for days.
But hooray, I am back up and running which means we can now move on to more exciting things, like the start of 2014!
I was just telling Adam the other day, that with the exception of years that end in a “5,” I always feel extra optimistic toward years that end in an even number – perhaps because I was born in an even-numbered year? – and 2014 is no exception to this rule.
I’ve got some exciting stuff to share over the coming weeks, including more details about why I chose to leave Sweet Shoppe Designs, why I went crazy and retired all my products, and what that means for the future of Nettio Designs.
From what I hear there’s been some speculation, probably partly due to it seeming like an abrupt, out-of-nowhere decision to those on the outside, so all I’ll say for now is that while the execution of it ended up seeming a bit abrupt due to the holidays, it was most definitely a much thought out decision on my part. And I chose to leave so I could focus my time and energy toward building something new, not joining anything that currently exists.
But I’m afraid that’s all the hints you’re going to get for now since I’m not quite ready to spill the beans on my plans, haha.
In the meantime though I will share more details about my decision as well as my 2013 Holiday Faves mini album wrap up, 2014 goal-setting and a few other things I have up my sleeve. I’m really excited for this year and I hope you are too! It feels good to start the year off fresh and have time to dedicate to this space yet again.
So with that I say, hello 2014. So happy to have you here.
Can I take Levitra if I am taking other remedies at the same time
Glad to hear that you had a backup of your data.
I’m excited to hear about what you have planned for 2014.
Thanks Tracy! I am very glad I had it all backed up too. 🙂
I am a brand new digital scrapper who has recently been “teased” lol on Facebook with a file of yours that appears to be unavailable :(. Since I am doing hybrid project life, I am most interested in this file called bits & bytes with 4 x 6 templates. Please say you are considering selling this in the near future!
Hi Jenni! Unfortunately all of my digital scrapbooking products were retired at the end of the year so that product is no longer available I’m afraid.
That happened to us over the holidays! Unfortunately it was our backup that decided to bite the dust… and along with it, years worth of digital scrapbooking and pictures I had yet to transfer over to my Blurb book. There have been many a bucket of tear shed over here because of this disastrous event. 🙁 I emailed you a few weeks ago about the 12×12 AWITL layouts I purchased from you in 2012. I lost them in the Great Hard Drive Death of Winter 2013. I was wondering if there is anyway I could get them resent to me? I hate to ask… and I will repurchase if I have to I am just bummed to lose every stitch of work I have created and they were all done on your layouts (which are the best, by the way!!). I was working on four years at once and had only uploaded and ordered 2010 so far (which looks amazing with your templates, by the way!!!). Anyway. Just thought I would ask.
I keep coming back here to get some updates – eagerly awaiting what you have planned Lynnette!