If you’ve been around Nettio Designs for awhile, you’ll know that I’m no stranger to goal-setting.
Now goal finishing?
That’s a whole different story.
But even when I don’t complete the ambitious goals I set out to accomplish, like my 28 at 28 list or my 30 Creative Adventures, I find that just the act of setting those goals in the first place pushes me to get more done than I would have without setting those goals at all.
So when the beginning of 2014 rolled around, I started thinking about what I wanted to accomplish this year and how I wanted to do it. Did I want to set another One Little Word? Resolutions? 2014 monthly goals?
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this year I wanted to keep things simple and actionable. As much as I love the idea of One Little Word, it can sometimes seem so abstract.
So instead I decided on creating a simple 14 in 2014 list: 14 random things I’d like to be able to check off at the end of year. Since we’re expecting a mid-year arrival for our little dude, it’s a little baby-heavy but it’s also a mix of life, work, home design and scrapbooking goals which I love.
Since we’re a few months into 2014, I thought it’d be fun to share the progress I’ve made on my list so far. It’s still very much a work-in-progress but so far it’s turning out to be motivating me to take action much more so than other things I’ve done in the past. I think perhaps because everything on the list is more project based?
Here’s where I’m at as of March 5, 2014. Blue is In Progress and Green & crossed off is Done:
- Finish Advent Calendar: This is a sewing project I’ve been working on for TWO Christmases now and it’s so close to being done, I can taste it. I’m making myself finish this before tackling any of the other “fun” items on my list.
Launch KickAss Scrapbooking:DONE as of March 3.- Hang Adventure wall
- Make a baby quilt: I’m waiting to officially start this until after I’ve checked off #1 but you can see the fabric I bought for it in this post.
- Go on a baby moon: We’re keeping it simple but plans are in the works.
- Organize digital photos
- Turn master bedroom into a cozy space: Hoping to check this off this month, just have to convince Adam to do a little painting for me.
- Make art for over the TV
- Decorate office/nursery for the lil’ dude’s arrival: Mostly just plans & pins at this point but I’m excited to get started.
- Have a baby. : ) Very much in progress, haha. Just over 100 days to go!
- Create Project Life 6/6
- Scrap 100 layouts: 7/100. This is an item that’s been on my list for oh, 8 years now and I’ve never managed to accomplish it. Clearly I’ll have to pick up the pace to do it this year.
- Read 10 books: 1.5/10. Ten is probably laughable for you hardcore readers but I mostly read blogs and such these days so 10 books sounded doable to me. Book 1 for the year was The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte.
- Learn to use my Silhouette: As a lovely desk accent…yes.
I fully don’t expect to accomplish everything on the list but I’ve learned over the years of goal-setting that the dreaming/planning/scheming is just as much a part of the fun for me as actually completing the goals, so I’m excited to see what 2014 brings!
What about you? Any other 2014 goal-setters out there?
Can I take Levitra if I am taking other remedies at the same time
100 scrap layouts?? That sounds like a crazy goal!
One book I’m reading right now and loving it that you might enjoy: Ina May’s guide to childbirth
Good luck with your goals!
Because it is! The closest I’ve ever made it was 80 something so I’m not holding out a ton of hope for that one, haha. Dream big, right?
Pardon me while I die laughing at #14. I’ve only been trying to convince you that the silhouette is awesome for a year now 😛
Well I know it’s awesome, I just don’t use it! 😀
It’s even more awesome being used, and not just as a paperweight 😛
When I saw this I couldn’t believe it!! I had the idea of my 13 in 2013 last year and decided to repeat this year with a 14 in 2014 list and I hope to continue many years like that… it was funny to see other 14 in 2014 😉
Haha! Hooray for yearly goal-setting!